Sagar Deo
How to Qualify for the Lotus Project Volunteer Programme
Currently, we are able to offer a volunteering opportunities to approximately 10-15 young people each year. While you are not required to be pursuing a career in economics, sociology, engineering or political science we are looking for young adults who have:
A commitment to conservation and clean energy
An ability to adapt to changing situations
An ability to work respectfully in cross-cultural situations
An ability to take direction from supervisors
The confidence to provide feedback to supervisors
A collaborative approach to working with colleagues
A capacity for ongoing learning
Fluency in English
Fluency in Vietnamese is a plus
Participants participating in on-site work are expected to cover their return airfare, visa and vaccination costs. These funds can be provided from personal sources or through fundraising efforts. Lotus Project will pay for all in-country support for participants as well as health insurance and repatriation assistance coverage.
What you'll learn through the Lotus Project Volunteer Programme
Gain insight and awareness of renewable energy solutions in remote areas. You will learn not only to increase your cross-cultural understanding by getting an idea of the day-to-day reality & living standards of the people in developing nations but also you will gain additional skills:
Improve your communication skills
Enhance your teamwork skills
Evolve your self-reliance skills
What is wanted in return
The volunteer programme is designed to have an impact far beyond the individual young people who are directly involved. If selected, you will be asked to create compelling stories, pictures and possibly other digital communications about your experiences. Lotus Project hopes that your inspiration and talent at communicating what you see, and experience can help others like yourself gain insight and inspiration from your achievements.